Lockdown: and now what? How can Coaching help you to find a new sense to your existence?

Lockdown: Stress or Opportunity?

When the whole world was confined in the spring, we all had the opportunity to discover a new facet of our personality. Have we been one of those who felt deprived of our freedom? On the contrary, were we among those who saw the opportunity to slow down a bit? Anyway, what did you think? That you had your freedom taken away or that you had been given time?

Deprivation of freedom of movement in no way hinders our freedom to dream, think, reflect and take a step back. And that, even between two teleconferences and a homeschooling morning. How many of us have felt out of touch, not aligned with our loved ones, our values, our desires, our vision of the existence.


So how do we get out of our cabin and resume a normal (and masked) life? Is it all worth it? How can we take our life back in hand so that it is worth it? For those who have been touched by the illness: How to restore meaning to one’s existence when you have almost lost everything?

And in the event of a new lockdown, how to live it better? How to use the learning of the first lockdown as a resource?

Coaching to support you

The world has changed and so have we, to see things more clearly, Coaching can be a real boost. Indeed, it is difficult to find a way out alone sometimes. Also, putting things down, considering the different options in a calm manner with a Coach there for you, totally listening to you can be a great way to find your way forward.

So, I am waiting for you for a boost over a few sessions, or for more in-depth work and to accompany you until you are clear with your life project.

Cristina, October 31st 2020